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Use MVP to deliver new product success

By Gordon Carmichael

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face many challenges when launching new products or services. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) strategy is a game-changer.

When properly used, MVP enables SMEs to validate ideas, save costs, and gather valuable user feedback early on. This article discusses specific benefits for SMEs and provides actionable insights on leveraging this approach.

The Essence of Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

At its core, an MVP is a stripped-down product or service that focuses on delivering essential features and functionalities while leaving out the non-essential elements. Instead of investing time and resources into building a full-scale product, SMEs can launch a simplified version that will be the foundation for further iterations and improvements based on user feedback and market demand. The primary goal of an MVP is to test assumptions, validate the product-market fit, and minimise the risk of developing something that fails to meet customers’ needs.

Benefits of Minimum Viable Product for SMEs:

  1. Cost Efficiency: If you have tight budgets, MVP allows you to minimise initial investments by prioritising the core value proposition of their product. By focusing on what truly matters and avoiding unnecessary features, businesses can allocate their resources more efficiently, thereby reducing development costs.
  2. Accelerated Time-to-Market: In today’s fiercely competitive market, speed is of the essence. Embracing an MVP approach streamlines the development process to swiftly launch your offerings, gaining a valuable edge over competitors.
  3. User Validation: Early user feedback is invaluable for success. By leveraging an MVP, you can actively engage with potential customers, gather real-world insights, and make informed decisions regarding further product development and enhancements. This user-centric approach increases the chances of delivering a product that truly resonates with the target audience.

Two MVP success stories:

Monzo: This UK-based digital bank started with a simple prepaid debit card and basic banking functionalities. It focused on delivering a user-friendly mobile app and a transparent fee structure. Through continuous iteration and feedback-driven improvements, Monzo built a devoted customer base, making it one of the fastest-growing banks in the UK.

Deliveroo: As a food delivery platform, Deliveroo began its journey as an MVP with a small team of drivers and a user-friendly website for ordering food from local restaurants. By prioritising the optimisation of the delivery experience and expanding their services based on user demand and market trends, Deliveroo now operates in numerous cities across the UK, providing a seamless platform for food delivery from a wide range of restaurants.

One failed MVP startup:

While MVP can be a powerful strategy, sometimes implementation falls short. One example is Bux, a UK-based fintech startup that aimed to simplify share trading for millennials through a mobile app. Although it launched an MVP with a user-friendly interface, the app encountered significant technical issues and lacked essential functionalities expected from a share trading platform. These shortcomings led to a poor user experience and low user adoption. Despite subsequent attempts to improve the product, Bux ultimately failed to gain traction and had to shut down operations.

Implementing Minimum Viable Product Effectively:

To effectively leverage an MVP, SMEs should consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the Core Value: Clearly define the value proposition of your product or service and how it addresses customer pain points. During the MVP development stage, focus on these essential features that provide the most value to users.
  2. Establish Success Metrics: Define measurable metrics aligned with your business objectives. These metrics will help evaluate the success of your MVP and guide future iterations and improvements.
  3. Launch, Learn, and Iterate: Release your MVP and actively gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and analytics tools. Pay close attention to user behaviour, preferences, and pain points. Utilise this information to refine your product.
  4. Prioritise Features: Based on user feedback, prioritise additional features or enhancements for future versions to align with evolving customer needs and preferences.
  5. Continuous Testing and Refinement: Test your assumptions, refine your MVP based on user feedback, and continuously improve your product to fine-tune your offering and ensures its relevance and competitiveness.

With a well-planned implementation strategy, MVP becomes a formidable tool for SMEs to validate ideas, gain a competitive edge, and enable growth in their respective industries.

Gordon Carmichael | UK Business Advisors (

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