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Mastering Business Pivot: A Guide to Navigate Change and Seize Opportunities

By Richard Olsen

We are often asked when is the right time to change a business, what are the signs to adapt? Pivoting a business—making substantial changes in core strategy, product offerings, or target market—can be the game-changer between survival and failure. This article delves into the essential steps to successfully pivot a business, offering invaluable insights for entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners alike.

  1. Recognising the Need for a Pivot

Before initiating any business pivot, it’s crucial to identify signs indicating the necessity for change. Common triggers include declining sales, shifting market trends, competitive threats, or a misalignment with the target audience. Conducting a thorough analysis of the business, market, and competitive landscape helps identify pain points and areas for improvement.

  1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Successfully pivoting a business requires a mindset shift from fearing change to embracing growth opportunities. Leaders and employees must understand the importance of adapting to dynamic environments, viewing pivots as chances to innovate and evolve. Fostering a culture of resilience and creativity across all organisational levels is key.

  1. Conducting Comprehensive Market Research

For a successful pivot, comprehensive market research is essential. Gather data on customer preferences, emerging trends, and the competitive landscape to inform the direction of the pivot and uncover untapped opportunities. Understanding customer pain points and preferences helps tailor new offerings effectively.

  1. Setting SMART Goals

When pivoting a business, setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals is essential. Clearly define the objectives, whether it’s increasing market share, expanding into new markets, or launching innovative products, serving as guiding beacons throughout the pivot process.

  1. Leveraging Core Competencies

Assess your company’s core competencies and identify areas to leverage existing strengths during the pivot. Recognising and capitalising on core competencies provide a competitive advantage in the new market landscape.

  1. Engaging the Team

A successful pivot requires the collective effort of the entire team. Engage employees early, encourage open communication, and empower them to contribute ideas. Involving the team increases acceptance and commitment to the changes ahead.

  1. Crafting a Detailed Action Plan

Develop a comprehensive action plan covering all business aspects, including marketing, operations, finance, and human resources. Include timelines, responsibilities, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress effectively.

  1. Testing and Validating

Before fully committing to the pivot, conduct small-scale tests and pilots to validate assumptions and new strategies. Gather feedback to fine-tune offerings and ensure resonance with the target audience.

  1. Transparent Communication

Effective communication is paramount during a business pivot. Keep stakeholders informed about changes, address concerns, and provide support to ease the transition.

  1. Monitoring and Adjusting

Closely monitor key performance metrics and KPIs, regularly assessing progress toward objectives. Be prepared to make adjustments, if necessary, as flexibility is critical during this phase.

  1. Capitalising on Success

When the pivot gains momentum, seize the opportunity to market new offerings effectively, engage customers, and leverage positive feedback to build a loyal customer base.


Successfully pivoting a business demands vision, courage, and a well-thought-out plan. By recognising the need for change, embracing a growth mindset, conducting thorough research, and involving the team, businesses can navigate pivots and emerge stronger than ever. Successful pivots lead to renewed growth, increased competitiveness, and the ability to seize untapped opportunities. With determination and the right approach, businesses can thrive in an ever-changing world. Embrace the challenge and embark on your journey to a successful pivot.

Richard Olsen | UK Business Advisors (

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