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Elliot Harris

Plotting the right strategic course

At every networking event I attend, I learn something. Whether by talking to another business owner or listening to a guest speaker, there are always takeaways to use myself or share with a client. Recently, a speaker started banging on about EEE - an acronym for...

How to rate your accountant

A 31 March year-end is popular. But this may mean your auditor and accountant are squeezing your work into their busiest time of year, with a resultant loss of focus on your business affairs. Review whether you need your work done at a time of the year when the team...

Understanding your finances

This is article 3 in our series of 3 There are 3 layers of understanding that you have to achieve, and I will be covering these in 3 articles covering: Some basic tipsWhat are the key figures in your accounts?Digging deeper with good analysis Digging deeper with good...

Understanding your Finances

This is article 2 in our series of 3 There are 3 layers of understanding that you have to achieve, and I will be covering these in 3 articles covering: Some basic tipsWhat are the key figures in your accounts?Digging deeper with good analysis What are the key figures...

Understanding your Finances

So many business owners tell me they don’t understand their accounts…that’s what they have an accountant for. Yet for a business owner not having a handle on their own finances is an opportunity missed. You don’t have to be a qualified accountant to understand the...