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Simon Shuker - Business and Environmental Consultant

  • South West
  • Finance
  • Operations
Know your Carbon Footprint, Environmental Impact and Sustainability Opportunities

If a potential client or a supplier were to ask the question “what is your business carbon footprint?”, would you have the answer? Increasingly that is something that is being asked, and you are not alone if you might struggle to offer an adequate response, as an estimated 30-40% of businesses have no written plans. Most clients and suppliers now want to know you have considered how your business activities impact the environment. In fact, for UK public body work of £5M and over, it is now mandatory to even qualify to bid.

The challenge of Net Zero Carbon and Sustainability is one of the greatest business opportunities of our time. Simon works with The Clean Tech Business Group which exists to enable SMEs to benefit from and thrive in the Low Carbon and sustainable economy. If your business can demonstrate what it does to place carbon reduction at its heart, it increases your chances of successfully bidding for small public works and opens the door to public sector works of £5M+. It also widens tendering opportunities and increases your likelihood of success in all other tenders.

Business and Environmental Consultant

As a specialist Business and Environmental Consultant, Simon not only shows businesses how to measure their carbon footprint but also helps them to create an action plan to reduce it. He can hold your hand throughout your sustainability journey. Starting with a brief initial sustainability review to see where you currently are, Simon will show you how and where improvements can be made. He will help you to identify and exploit opportunities available in the Low Carbon Economy.
He will outline a possible strategy to reduce carbon for your business and advise on whether revisions to existing measures you may already have in place would be advisable. Should you engage Simon to fully draw these measures up for you, he can also:

– Advise on whether there may be refunds, rebates or grants available
– Analyse many of your costs and suppliers to seek reductions e.g. through aggregation and act as a business utility broker to assess if there are better contracts, or more suitable suppliers available to meet your needs
– For businesses who are innovating, or developing/converting premises, he can advise on R&D, property capital allowances or tax refunds. This includes building the claim, and full support with reporting costs correctly to HMRC in comprehensive and compliant claims

Simon’s successful background in industry as an award-winning Director, engineer and innovator, means he is particularly suited to understanding your work. His experience spans many engineering disciplines including those across technical support businesses, such as consultants, architects and engineering design specialists. He speaks your language.
It’s important all engineers ensure their skills are relevant to what modern day businesses need. Simon has recently been awarded his MSc in Advanced Manufacturing with Industry 4.0, meaning his knowledge of today’s industry methods, materials, data communication and AI can be pivotal in your product market or production development plans.

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