Articles and News
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Do we need to reassess our Export Markets?
Exports have always been a large part of SME activity. There has been much said about our special relationship with EU countries. However, uncertainty with the Euro means that many are becoming nervous about this business. Together with the potential for an 'IN / OUT'...
Why family businesses might consider putting governance structures in place
The buzzword of recent years is professionalising the management of family businesses. Not only does this mean appointing talent at the top of the organisation be it management or having a NED to advise and seek counsel from, it also means confronting the way...
Planning a Social Media Campaign
To many business owners, social media is something their kids do on their smart phones. Many do not really understand what social media is and also do not understand how it can be used in business. If you ask them why they don’t use social media they often fix you...
Is Now the Time To Sell Your Business?
Have you been thinking about selling your business but just can’t decide if now is the best time? Do you find yourself repeatedly analysing the economic situation and wishing you had a crystal ball? There are positive signs and there are negative signs…. If you’re...
How to make your company irresistible to potential buyers
One of the biggest factors in determining the value of your company is the extent to which an acquirer can see where sales will come from in the future. If you’re in a business that starts from scratch each month, the value of your company will be lower than if you...
What do the new accounting standards mean for you?
In the next year your accountant will start talking to you about the changes in accounting standards in FRS 102. This new standard is about moving the UK Accounting standards closer to the International Accounting Standards. The main difference will be an increase in...
5 things to do to ensure successful transition in the family business
In many recent surveys[1] nearly half of family businesses intend to pass on their business to their children, less than 44% have put a formal succession plan in place. In this blog we summarise the 5 things to do- following up in more depth in successive future...
What can Small Busines do to help UK Balance of Payments?
The UK Balance of Payments is a sorry story. In short, we buy much more stuff from overseas than we sell overseas, and have done for many years. Some items, such as raw materials, and highly specific components we have little choice other than to import. But other...
Achieve a good price when you sell your business
Its a sad fact that only 8% of small businesses are sold for a decent price. This is not good news if you are relying on selling your business for your pension, or indeed for any other purpose. However, many more businesses would be saleable for fair value if the...
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