Business networking is one of the most effective ways of generating new business, but it can seem daunting for the less extrovert doing it for the first time. However, even the most shrinking violet will gain confidence and effectiveness with practice. There are many...
People & Management (HR)
How to Stretch for Success – Business Lessons from our 3 x Ben Nevis Bike Challenge
Some businesses move from year to year making small adjustments but never stretch themselves for the big achievements. Other more ambitious businesses, and their leaders, try to find a way to achieve leaps forward that at first sight look too hard or possibly...
Brexit – Let’s face it!
With Brexit dominating headlines, the importance of having the best leadership team, who will be able to derive and implement strategy to steer a company or organisation through change and uncertainty is of paramount importance. Deal or no deal will have a significant...
Do you have a 1st April to 31st March holiday year for your staff?
If you don’t (i.e. it is the calendar year or some other arrangement) then this is not relevant. If you do have a 1st April to 31st March holiday year in your business read on…… In the current 2017/18 holiday year you may have noticed that Easter is split over two...
What are the latest HR legal requirements business owners need to implement in April 2018?
For the SME community, the relevant scheduled changes from April 2018 are the rates paid for statutory purposes, a change to the tax treatment of payments made in lieu of notice, and the impact of new regulations from May regarding data protection of staff records....
Is your business ready for new GDPR legislation on Data Protection?
This article outlines the key themes of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to help businesses understand their corporate responsibilities and the challenges of this new legal framework. Key facts about GDPR A data protection regulation to protect the...
How to avoid failure in managing change in your business
Picture this scenario. You have grown your business to a particular point and now the numbers aren’t growing as fast as you would like. Furthermore, the relationships you have with your key people are changing – they seem more focused on what happened in the past,...
Are your ‘workers’ on the right employment status?
Contemporary talk is about the gig economy. Workers say ‘gigs’ are a less secure and more exploitative form of employment. Businesses will say that it is tapping into a trend for flexible working that allows individuals a choice and where, when and how they work....
Data Protection
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) you must: use personal information fairly and lawfully; collect only the information necessary for a specific purpose(s); ensure it is relevant, accurate and up to date; only hold as much as you need, and only for as long as...