‘Going International’ is a natural step for any growing tech company seeking to serve international clients. But what may seem like a simple addition of a new territory, requires more careful thought. A management structure is needed that enables the company to achieve its desired goals in the UK without compromising its fundamental vision and mission. Enter the matrix.
Innovation & Technology
Thames Valley – International HQ for Global Tech
In order to serve a global market, tech sector businesses need to locate their headquarters where they have access to the resources needed to compete on an international level.
Finding the Back Door to Early Markets
Your company has developed a great product or service that you are passionate about.
Why You Need to Care About Your Customer’s Customer
If your goal is to sell products or services to leaders in your market place, you need to care passionately about their goal
Every Tech Business Leader Needs a Thinking Partner
A great business coach who acts as a thinking partner is as valuable to business success as a sports coach is to a successful athlete.
Brexit Lesson for Tech Sector? Go Global!
Brexit has dominated the news headlines ever since the vote in June 2016.
Rapid Change in the Tech Sector Leaves Little Time to Learn
The speed at which technology is changing can be hard to comprehend at times. In just the last 30 years, we have seen the introduction of the internet, mobile phones, digital media, and on and on.
Missing Key Skills in the Business?
An enterprising managing director good at what he or she does will grow a business more quickly than good talent can be recruited.
Deckchair Management Kills Commitment
Successful leaders of innovative technology solution providers face a dual challenge