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Bob Lewis-Basson

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

UKBA recently held one of its bi-annual National Conferences, the chance to meet up with colleagues you don't see between one meeting and the next, apart from exchanging emails. Really good to renew relationships, discuss common issues and concerns, and generally...

Ransomware: What It Is and How to Avoid It

How serious a problem is ransomware? According to Symantec, makers of the popular Norton suite of cyber security products, hackers employing the ransomware tactic are making millions of pounds every year. In one particular case they studied, 168 infected users paid a...

Social Networking for Small Businesses

Social Networking is the term given to a variety of new techniques for communication with clients, customers, prospects and other interested parties. As with other marketing techniques it needs careful planning to ensure that the right message gets through to the...