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Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

By Bob Lewis-Basson

UKBA recently held one of its bi-annual National Conferences, the chance to meet up with colleagues you don’t see between one meeting and the next, apart from exchanging emails. Really good to renew relationships, discuss common issues and concerns, and generally realise that you’re not alone out there in the big wide world.

A common trait we all tend to fall into through time is that we have been there, done that, T-short and all, and believe we know what we are doing well enough. So, first a simple question, could you pass your driving test if you had to take it again? Old habits picked up as tempus fugits, aren’t always the best ones to continue with, and you don’t always realise you have them.

One such event in the dim and distant past was being sent on, not again, a Sales Training course. As circumspect as one might have been at going to these, there was always something that you finally realised was beneficial.

Which brings me back to the National Conference. As usual we had a guest speaker, it was Will Kintish, who spoke to us on the subject of Networking – no not the one with lots of ethernet and wi-fi, the one where we go out and make contact with other folk as a part of promoting ourselves and our businesses. Even though you are an old hand at this, his presentation brought a refreshing reminder to all of us on how to network, the ways to work the room, the people and the sticky situations; well worth a follow up via YouTube if you don’t want invest in a face to face with him.

And the moral of this? You may not be able to teach old dogs new tricks but you can certainly get them to improve the ones they already now.

And that is also what UKBA, and the Local Groups that operate all over the country, can do for you. Local Advisers, with their wide spread of skills and experiences are there to help, advise and assist in more ways than you could imagine. Time spent working through our sites could be a worthwhile investment for the future.

For further information or assistance in this area call Bob Lewis-Basson – 0780 244 1728

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