Our UKBA teams regularly meet by Zoom video call. Today, our London and South East team reviewed the support given to companies in the last couple of weeks, and we would like to share this with you.
You are also encouraged to visit our general support page at https://ukba.co.uk/coronavirus
Here are examples of how we have helped companies and added value to them:
Apply for Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan applications (40% approved and 60% pending to date)
Plan for Furloughing, restructuring and assisting Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme applications from 20.1.20
Prepare business strategy, business planning and financial planning
Assisting construction companies preparing to resume operations and resolve supply chain issues
Applying for an Innovate UK funding competition
Helping companies to claim R&D Tax Credits and get cash injections
Completing the recruitment of a marketing manager and working with clients to plan their needs and restart executive search when ready
Guidance for startups
Navigating the complexity of mixed employee and self-employed teams
Supporting companies to push back on potentially incorrect statements on eligibility for business interruption insurance claims
Developing the strategy for a technology based hospitality company
Target company acquisition search for clients
Adapting the exit strategies for several businesses to reflect Covid-19
Strategic shock preparation
Running online client workshops to provide guidance to ensure that remote working is successful after the initial “euphoria”
Of course, we have also been working on ourselves – evolving our mission, trying new productivity tools, reading, learning new skills, exercising and listening to music. A balance is important for us all.
Can UKBA help your business? Pease contact us for a no cost high value initial discussion.
Keep safe and plan to survive and thrive.