Summer is nearly here, and although it may seem strange, now may be the perfect time to increase the value of your company. The most valuable businesses are the ones that can survive without their owner. A buyer will pay a premium for a company that runs on autopilot,...
Selling a Business
Do you have a £500 million business hiding inside your company?
Asking customers to pay to join a special group of your best patrons can increase your turnover; encourage customers to buy new products and services from you, and provide a healthy boost to your cash flow. Just ask Jeff Bezos, the founder of and the chief...
Building a Business for Sale
To grow a valuable business – one you can sell – you need to set up your company so that it is no longer reliant on you. This can be easier said than done, especially when, like a PR consultant or plumber, what you are selling is your expertise. To scale up a...
Is Now the Time To Sell Your Business?
Have you been thinking about selling your business but just can’t decide if now is the best time? Do you find yourself repeatedly analysing the economic situation and wishing you had a crystal ball? There are positive signs and there are negative signs…. If you’re...
How to make your company irresistible to potential buyers
One of the biggest factors in determining the value of your company is the extent to which an acquirer can see where sales will come from in the future. If you’re in a business that starts from scratch each month, the value of your company will be lower than if you...