How do I get to meet key decision makers? A question that I am frequently asked. First, like all Sales people and marketeers, it is key to identify your target audience, and have a message ('the hook') that is likely to spark their interest. Once you have both of...
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How to maintain cash flow amidst rising inflation
With the economic context of the UK, it’s no surprise many businesses are experiencing cash concerns. Inflation, the energy crisis, supply shortages, and the risk of recession have all seen economic confidence decline and prices increase, bringing unwanted...
What is stock finance?
Stock finance is a popular form of funding used to boost cash flow by unleashing capital in your warehouse. It utilises unused stock as security to raise finance from lenders. If used correctly, it is a great way to free up money while enabling you to retain the...
Capital Allowances for Property Embedded Features, Fixtures and Fittings
Accountants should include a tax-reducing Capital Allowance claim for your business property, plant, and machinery; but often do not claim for embedded fixtures and fittings. These can represent an additional tax-reducing allowance of up to 50% of the property value,...
7 tips for turning around an unprofitable business
Businesses will undergo many challenges in their lifespans, stemming from external circumstances or internal issues. Regardless of the problems you face, you hope to come out the other side. However, there are times when it’s not as easy to overcome obstacles as you...
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