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Refund Guarantee

By Peter Smith

Why do I provide a full 100% refund guarantee for my services?

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First of all, how can it be fair that my client.

It takes all the risk that my intervention in his/her business fails to work to their satisfaction? Surely the professional providing the support should always be willing to share that risk.

Secondly, by sharing the risk I ensure that my client’s interests are always at the forefront of my mind when agreeing to work with that client.

If I am not entirely convinced that they will benefit from my support, then I prefer not to waste my time and effort with the possibility of me having to refund them.

For this, to work the prospect has to convince me that by working together we can achieve the agreed improvements in profitability that will more than cover the cost of any investment he or she makes in my intervention.

It needs to be “win-win” for us both.

If your business is not where you want it to be contact me for a free assessment.

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