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Google has Changed the Way Search Results are Displayed

By Lauren

It is estimated that over 90% of internet searches are carried out using the Google search engine. Changes are often made to the way that they carry out the searches and subsequent listing on the search results page and a great deal of effort is made by companies to ensure that they appear on page 1.

However this week Google have implemented a major change that many unwary website owners will not realise will make a substantial difference to where they are positioned in search results. More searches are now carried out on mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets etc. than laptops or desktops. This means that websites need to be mobile friendly so that they can be viewed sensibly on smaller screen and will operate effectively on these devices. Google have therefore said that websites that are not mobile friendly will not be as popular and therefore should be demoted  in the search engine rankings.

You should undertake an immediate review of your website to ensure that it is mobile friendly and will therefore be promoted in the rankings.

Note: This post was written in 2015 and SEO ahs moved on since then. Contact us for the latest details.


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