When a buyer approaches your business, how you respond can make all the difference. Learn how to manage confidentiality, research potential buyers, and set clear goals for a successful outcome. Discover why involving expert advisors early is key to navigating this journey with confidence.
Selling a Business
A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying the Perfect Buyer for Your Business
As a business owner, selling your business involves one critical task—finding the perfect buyer. In this guide, we will walk you through essential steps and factors, optimising your journey to maximize your business's value and achieve desired outcomes. Thorough...
6 signs you’re ready to exit your business
A business takes up a significant amount of your time, thoughts and energy. If you have been running it long-term, it likely feels like an integral part of your life. As a result, the decision to leave is never simple. However, there will come the point for every...
Why due diligence matters when buying a business
There could be several reasons why a buyer wants a particular business – location, industry position or existing client book. However, regardless of why you buy the company, you need to undertake proper due diligence to ensure it's the right move. This process is the...
How to keep your business sale on track
Despite the best efforts, not every business sale will go to plan. Many factors can cause things to break down – including timing, patience and regular communication. Of course, you want to ensure the sale of your business is one of those that succeed. Below, we’ve...
How to be sure you’re buying the right business?
Buying an already established business can give you the same level of independence as starting one from scratch, but it will also bring sizeable advantages. If you choose the right business to buy, you can access many of the tools needed to run a successful operation....
What you must consider when selling your business
Deciding to leave your business for pastures new is a significant one. There are many reasons why people consider exiting a business – ranging from retirement or relocation to simply wanting a new challenge. In any scenario, you will want to ensure you get a fair...
The 5 common fears people face when putting their business for sale
Most business owners will come to a point where they need to sell – whether to prepare for retirement, allow a change in lifestyle or move on to the next challenge. However, selling a business is a life-altering and often difficult decision. It’s no surprise that...
How To Get Maximum Value When You Close Your Business
In the first part of this blog I discussed what types of business are unlikely ever to sell and what you can do to extract maximum value. Now. Let’s assume that the day has come for you to close down, realise the assets, pay the bills and walk away into the sunset....