WHY DO ACQUISITIONS FAIL AND HOW DO YOU AVOID A BAD OUTCOME? It is an unfortunate fact that Acquisitions have a very high failure rate. This may seem a powerful statement but it is borne out by the statistics. "If one were to define 'failure' as failure to increase...
London and South East
Acquiring a Business – Issues to consider – Part 2
WHAT SPECIFIC ATTRIBUTES MAKE AN ACQUISITION AN ATTRACTIVE STRATEGY? Acquirers are interested in growing their own businesses and an acquisition is one of the options available to them, and usually provides a faster track to growth than organic growth. In addition,...
Six ways to profit from your holiday this summer
Summer is nearly here, and although it may seem strange, now may be the perfect time to increase the value of your company. The most valuable businesses are the ones that can survive without their owner. A buyer will pay a premium for a company that runs on autopilot,...
How to make your company irresistible to potential buyers
One of the biggest factors in determining the value of your company is the extent to which an acquirer can see where sales will come from in the future. If you’re in a business that starts from scratch each month, the value of your company will be lower than if you...
5 things to do to ensure successful transition in the family business
In many recent surveys[1] nearly half of family businesses intend to pass on their business to their children, less than 44% have put a formal succession plan in place. In this blog we summarise the 5 things to do- following up in more depth in successive future...
South East is economic powerhouse still
Some useful information about one of the strongest economic areas in the country has just been released by Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). This LEP covers much of the Gatwick Diamond, Croydon and Brighton areas. C2C says that our area is an...