When a buyer approaches your business, how you respond can make all the difference. Learn how to manage confidentiality, research potential buyers, and set clear goals for a successful outcome. Discover why involving expert advisors early is key to navigating this journey with confidence.
Tim Luscombe
Expanding Your Offering: A Strategy for Growth
As a business owner, have you considered expanding your offering to stimulate growth? Diversifying what you provide can open new revenue streams, increase customer loyalty, and give you a competitive edge. You could develop new products or services that...
European Uncertainty Not Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions
A new report from Deloitte may come as somewhat of a surprise to M&A consultants with an eye on the UK market. The report suggests that not only are mergers and acquisitions not suffering under the weight of Brexit uncertainty, but they are actually increasing in...
The Theory and Practice of Business Valuation
In any given field, there is a clear distinction between theory and practice. Every university graduate knows this. What was learned in the classroom provides a nice theoretical foundation, but real life practice can be vastly different from the classroom. The same is...
5 Things to Look for in an M&A Consultant
A good M&A consultant can mean the difference between a successful, stress-free transaction and one that blows up in your face.
2 Sectors That Could Soon See Increased M&A Activity
Mergers and acquisitions are an intriguing part of business that can tell us things about the economy other key economic indicators do not reveal.
As M&A Slumber, Activists Keep Right on Rolling
The owner of a London telecom infrastructure provider has spent the last 25 years building a solid business he can eventually pass on to his children.
There’s No Need to Panic Over Unsolicited Offers
The owner of a London telecom infrastructure provider has spent the last 25 years building a solid business he can eventually pass on to his children.
Rapha Deal Represents One Way to Raise Cash
When Rapha first announced plans to sell a good portion of its company to a new round of private investors, the race was on to see who could clinch the deal.